PREVIEW JMC Work Week 2019

Work with Jimmy Murphey's Christmas in 2019 and it will change your life!

Our leadership team and team leaders are HARD at work preparing for ALL that our JMC 2019 event will have in store for our guests!

Here's the line-up for JMC 2019:

December 18, 2019 calendarDecember 20, 2019 calendar

Wednesday, Dec. 18th - Friday, Dec. 20th 
will be our workdays for JMC 2019. 

As of right now, this is our 2019 work schedule/shifts:

  • Wed. 12/18 5p-8p
  • Thurs. 12/19:
    • 2:30p-5:30p
    • 5p-8p
  • Fri. 12/20
    • 9:30a-12:30p
    • 12p-3p
    • 2:30p-5:30p

If you are only available daytime hours, there will be daytime hours made available upon MurpheyVol interest and work needing completion.

Be thinking about what you would like to do for our prep work: organize grocery pallets and the grocery assembly line, prepare bags for groceries, pack groceries, make thank you cards, pack children's goodie bags, make handmade ornaments for the kids, organize toys, prepare kids crafts, stuff stockings, decorate the LIVE Christmas Trees, decorate the cafe area, decorate the facility, run errands (there are ALWAYS errands to run), break down boxes, clean facility... and SO MUCH MORE!!!

By the end of October, we will establish a schedule for what tasks will be done each day. In the meantime, please answer this VOLUNTEER SURVEY.

Our volunteer sign-up this year will involve signing up for a specific job. 
Be thinking about what you would like to do!

December 20, 2019 calendar


If you are working the day of our main event, you need to come to get trained Friday, 12/20 from 6:30p-7:30p. To make it easier for those coming from work and organizing family, we will provide pizza dinner for all between 5:30p-6:30p (come anytime). 

Our main event has LOTS of moving parts and LOTS of people going in LOTS of different directions. We want to ensure the quality of our guests' experience as much as we want to ensure the quality of your MurpheyVol experience. The best way to accomplish this is through training. 

By Friday our facility will be completely set up to welcome our guests on Saturday. It will be a perfect time to train. We will have lots of experienced MurpheyVols on deck to show you the ropes, answer any questions and troubleshoot any foreseeable problems!

December 21, 2019 calendar

It's our MAIN EVENT: 
Jimmy Murphey's Christmas 2019!!!!

Our main event, Jimmy Murphey's Christmas 2019, is Saturday, December 21st! We will open our doors to guests at 8am. We will close our operations at 1pm.

Our volunteers need to be in place no later than 7:30a so we may troubleshoot any last minute items. 

If you would like to join us for our VOLUNTEER BREAKFAST, please be present by 6:30am and we will be happy to feed you a pancake and sausage breakfast!

If you are planning to work our main event, please be present for Friday Night's training (see information above). 

Also, be thinking about what job you would like: help with volunteer registration, help with guest registration, help with directing guests along route (stationary greeter pointing guests in the right direction), help in cafe area where our guests eat their breakfast (welcome them, assist with cleaning tables and meeting basic needs, SIT DOWN AND TALK TO THEM), work in cafe area just to clean tables and take out trash, help escort children to kids craft area while parents shop for toys, assist kids in craft area (super simple crafts, talk with kids, laugh with them, hold babies, interact), help parents shop toy room, help parents bag toys, help guests out to their car with groceries, help in the refrigerated truck distributing frozen chickens, help with parking lot control, help take snacks and water around to volunteers, help deliver meals to those in need that do not have transportation or are unable to come, help the delivery process (load meals into cars), CLEAN-UP CREW and SO MUCH MORE!!!

This year we will have a clean-up crew!!! People just designated to come in and help us break everything down. At 1pm we will move some remaining meals and toys outside for latecomers to be able to drive through the covered driveway and still receive assistance. Meanwhile, inside, our operation will be in full breakdown and clean-up mode. If you are interested in being a part of the clean-up crew, WE NEED YOU!!! The more people we can get on the clean-up crew, the sooner we will all be home.

Please share this post with your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors and more...

Stay tuned for more details on opportunities to get involved this fall at vendor events and festivals! 

Until we see one another again, be blessed!

Much MurpheyVol love,

Your JMC Leadership Team
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