It's OCTOBER!!! We gotta get this show on the road!

This is your ONE STOP SHOP to answer the question of 'HOW DO I GET INVOLVED IN JMC?"

How is it October already?!?! I feel like each year goes faster and faster. Well, your JMC Leadership Team is putting this car in high gear. Shout out to our Leadership Team: Jay Grant, Danny Grant (no relation to Jay), Keith Koldsbaek, Jenny Weems and Joey Shandley.

We are having a MurpheyVol Meeting Tuesday, October 8th from 7:00p-8:30p. Interested in getting involved? PLEASE COME!!! 

October 8th MurpheyVol meeting will be held at Living Water Church of God Fellowship, 166 N Little Texas Road, Kannapolis NC 28083. If you want to help with some of the 2019 preparations prior to our JMC Work Week, please PLEASE attend. We need your help!

If you are interested in being a Team Lead and helping the magic of JMC happen, please PLEASE reach out to Jenny, 704-453-9210, or one of the following Team Leads below. 

We are looking for people to assist in coordination and execution of many different aspects of JMC. If you're interested and just don't know where you would plug in, don't worry. We will find the spot for you that is both meaningful (for you and JMC) and accommodating for your schedule.

Shout Out to our Team Leads, what they do, how to contact them, and what you can do to help (in no particular order):

  • JMC Food & Toy Drives
    • Team Lead(s): Jenny Weems
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • To solicit and organize groups, organizations, and individuals that want to conduct food or toy drives for JMC.
      • Arrange donation box and marketing materials get to appropriate point of contact.
      • Arrange collection of food and/or toy items from donation drive location.
    • How you can help:
      • Assist in soliciting organizations, groups, and individuals in conducting a food or toy drive.
      • Assist in communicating with leader of group/organization conducting food/toy drive throughout their toy drive.
      • Assist in organizing the logistics of picking up toys/food with transportation team. 
      • Please contact Jenny for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Food/Toy Drive Teams.

  • Food Pantries/Soup Kitchens:
    • Team Leads: Sable Simmons & Terri Deaver
    • Contact:
    • Functions: 
      • Head up communicating with our local Food Pantries and Soup Kitchens to establish a relationship to get the word out about JMC's main event to those in need. 
      • They also work with local food pantries in attempts to see if they may be available to take any leftover food on the day of the main event, if we have any.
    • How you can help: There are LOTS of Food Pantries in Cabarrus and surrounding counties. It's hard for two people to contact all those Food Pantries and get our flyers out. You could be of great assistance by doing ANY of the following under Sable and Terri's leadership:
      • make phone calls to Food Pantries/Soup Kitchens, get point of contact, and ask if:
        • they will let JMC drop off some flyers to be handed out to their patrons the month prior to our JMC main event
        • and/or they would be able to take any leftover groceries on Saturday, 12/21 between 1-4p if we drop them off at their location
      • go around to Food Pantries/Soup Kitchens to deliver flyers for them to hand out the month prior to the event
      • Please contact Sable and Terri for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Food Pantry/Soup Kitchens Team.

  • JMC Stockings:
    • Team Leads: Wade & Penny Brown
    • Contact:
    • Functions: 
      • Facilitate donations and purchases of actual stockings to stuff.
      • Orchestrate donations for the items that will go in our stockings for JMC Kids.
      • Organizing donation of items and stockings drives will happen from present through December 17th. 
      • Organize the assembly process and lead MurpheyVols through the assembly of our JMC Stockings during JMC work week. 
    • How you can help:
      • Become a part of the JMC Stocking Team and help reach out to organizations, schools, etc, to conduct stocking drives under the leadership of the JMC Stocking Team Leads.
      • Conduct a JMC Stocking Drive: we provide the marketing materials (poster and tear off list of suggested items to donate) and the donation box.
      • Donate items for the JMC Stockings (based on the list of suggested items).
      • Please contact Wade & Penny for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Stocking Team.

  • JMC Sponsorships:
    • Team Lead: Joey Shandley and Darci White
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • Facilitate partnerships with business, organizations, corporations, etc, that are able to contribute financially or materially to accomplishing the objectives of JMC. 
      • Help facilitate community engagement through sponsorships and larger scale support of JMC.
      • Solicit sponsorships (financial and material) from businesses, organizations, corporations, etc.
    • How you can help:
      • Become a part of the JMC Sponsorship Team and help reach out to potential sponsors for the purpose of community engagement and JMC support (financial and material).
      • Ask businesses, organizations, and corporations you know if they would be willing to sponsor JMC and put them in contact with Joey.
      • Please contact Joey for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Sponsorship Team.

  • JMC Bread Team:
    • Team Lead: Christy Baggarly
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • Facilitate and organize donation of all the bread needed for JMC Main Event. For 2019, that's 1250 loaves of bread.
      • Organize the logistics of picking up all the loaves of donated bread to be at church by 12/20/19.
      • Organize the logistics of taking all the bread trays back to their points of origin by Saturday, 12/21 4pm.
    • How you can help:
      • Conduct a bread drive for JMC by collecting donations to purchase bread during JMC work week (12/18-12/20/19).
      • Be a part of the JMC Bread Team pick up crew during JMC work week.
      • Be a part of the JMC Bread Team return crew on Saturday, 12/21/19, after 1pm to return the bread trays back to their points of origin.
      • Please contact Christy for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Bread Team.

  • JMC in Parades:
    • Team Leads: Bennie Livingston & Rodney Green
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • Facilitate sign up and involvement in local Christmas Parades: Concord, Mt. Pleasant, Kannapolis.
      • Organize design and creation of float.
      • Organize the logistics of float needs and creation.
      • Communicate with MurpheyVol Team to orchestrate MurpheyVol involvement at parades.
      • Make paper copies of JMC material to be used in parades.
      • Get donations for float items needed for decoration of float.
    • How you can help:
      • Help collect and solicit donations needed for float creation and candy canes to hand out during parades.
      • Help build float at time designated by Bennie & Rodney.
      • Make copies of JMC marketing materials (black and white, 2-sided, 4 to a page)
      • Sign up to walk in parades and hand out JMC materials... or sign up to ride in float and wave (we need those people, too).
      • Purchase candy canes to hand out at parades.
      • Please contact Rodney & Bennie for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC in Parades Team.

  • JMC Churches/Houses of Worship Engagement:
    • Team Leads: Chris and Susan Solomon
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • Reach out to churches and other places of worship (all denominations and faiths) to engage them in JMC.
      • Ask places of worship if they would be willing to put our marketing material in their bulletins for their parishioners to be able to participate/donate.
      • Reach out to places of worship to see if they would be willing to do a diaper dump, toy drive, food drive, or stocking drive for JMC.
      • Ask your place of worship if they would be willing to participate in/support JMC.
      • Please contact Chris & Susan for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Sponsorship Team.
  • JMC Literacy:
    • Team Lead: Robin Yelton
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • Orchestrate donation of books to be given out to JMC Kids at the main event on Saturday, 12/21/19.
      • Reach out to organizations, businesses, etc, to conduct book drives.
      • Solicit donations from organizations, businesses, etc.
      • Please contact Robin for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Literacy Team.

  • Kid's Craft Area:
    • Team Leads: Nora Laughter & Courtney Dellinger
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • Coordinate crafts that will be in the JMC Kids area on the day of the main event. 
      • Facilitate donation, collection, and purchase of items needed for JMC Craft Area.
      • Partner with arts & crafts businesses for donations and/or to do a JMC drive of some sort at their business.
    • What you can do to help:
      • Volunteer to work in the JMC Kids Craft Area.
      • Volunteer to help coordinate and organize JMC Kids Craft Area.
      • Please contact Nora & Courtney for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Craft Area Team.

  • JMC Delivers:
    • Team Lead: Keith Koldsbaek & Megan Horn
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • To facilitate all JMC deliveries the day of the main event.
      • To handle all the routing of deliveries prior to the main event and on the day of the main event.
      • To plan and organize all aspects of JMC delivery for the main event.
      • To orchestrate successful completion of JMC deliveries.
    • What you can do to help:
      • Volunteer to check JMC voicemail for deliveries to be added to routing.
      • Check JMC Delivers email for deliveries to be added and any relevant info for JMC delivery team.
      • Check JMC voicemail the day of main event to get last minute added deliveries to delivery team
      • Communicate with Meals on Wheels to get their delivery routes to be added to JMC main event delivery.
      • Please contact Joey & Megan for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Delivers Team.

  • JMC and Schools:
    • Team Lead: Jamie Hackett
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • Collaborate with CCS schools and organizations to get them involved with JMC
      • Establish relationships with leadership in schools that have a community service component
      • Brainstorm ideas of ways to get schools involved
      • When coordination overlaps with another team, communicate with that team and pass the org/person along to that respective team
      • Reach out to groups within schools that have musical performance component that may be able/willing to come perform at our main event. 
    • How you can help:
      • Volunteer to be a part of the JMC and Schools Team.
      • Assist with reaching out to schools OR just designate yourself as the person to be the point of contact for a particular school.
      • Reach out to your school to ask them to participate in supporting JMC.
      • Ask your organization (or your child's organization) to support JMC.
      • Please contact Jamie for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC in Schools Team.

  • JMC Parking Lot:
    • Team Lead: Gaston Shealy
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • To organize the parking plan for the day of the main event.
      • To establish list of needs (cones, vests, flags, etc) for successful parking lot navigation.
      • Facilitate and lead successful execution of parking and traffic flow the day of the main event.
    • How you can help:
      • donate traffic items to JMC Parking Lot (cones, vests, flags, etc)
      • Volunteer to work the parking lot on the day of the main event.
      • Please contact Gaston for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Parking Lot Team.

  • JMC Breakfast Team:
    • Team Leads: Jeannie Pressley & Danny Grant
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • To plan, shop, prepare, and serve breakfast for guests for the morning of the main event.
      • To collect donations of pancake batter, sausage, fruit, donuts, breakfast items, paper goods, drinks, etc for breakfast.
    • How you can help:
      • Assist in supporting this team with soliciting for donations of above listed items.
      • Please contact Jeannie & Danny for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Breakfast Team.

  • JMC Receipts:
    • Team Lead(s): position open
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • To issue receipts to organizations that donate to JMC in any capacity
      • You will receive an email from another JMC email as to who needs a receipt issued, for what, details, etc. You will fill out the JMC Receipt digitally and email to individual outlined in email from JMC Team Leader.
    • What you can do to help:
      • Volunteer to be JMC Receipts team lead.
      • Please contact for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Receipt Team.

  • JMC Calls/Emails to Return:
    • Team Lead(s): position open
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • All inbound contacts come to this email
        • All contacts through our webpage.
        • All contacts through our call center (comes via email message).
      • Person responsible for this email will route email to the correct person(s)/respective team(s).
    • How you can help:
      • Volunteer to be JMC Calls/Email team lead.
      • Please contact for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Calls/Email Team.
  • JMC Social Media Activity:
    • Team Lead(s): position open
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • Post to all social media accounts
        • Facebook
        • Instagram
        • Twitter
    • How you can help:
      • Volunteer to be the JMC Social Media Team Lead.
      • Volunteer to post to one of the social media sites.
      • Please contact for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Sponsorship Team.

  • JMC Decoration Team:
    • Team Lead(s): position open
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • To collect donated Christmas decorations from MurpheyVols and other donors or to organize individuals to drop off donated decorations to the church during JMC work week.
      • Organize donated decorations and the decorations out of JMC storage.
      • Create decoration plan.
      • Help lead MurpheyVols in facility decoration for main event.
    • How you can help:
      • Volunteer to be JMC Decoration Team Lead.
      • Reach out to neighbors, friends, family, coworkers, etc, to see if they have Christmas decorations they would be willing to donate OR purchase for JMC Main Event.
      • Assist in organizing decorations collected.
      • Assist in decorating during JMC work week.
      • Please contact for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Decoration Team.

  • JMC Collaboration:
    • Team Lead(s): position open
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • To work with other organizations that may overlap with JMC purpose.
      • To communicate with other public and private organizations to see if they would like to get involved in supporting JMC.
      • To facilitate collaboration with our community to further assist in achieving JMC purpose and objectives.
    • How you can help:
      • Volunteer to be the JMC Collaboration team lead.
      • Assist in reaching out to local organizations to see if collaboration is good for all.
      • Please email for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Collaboration Team.

  • JMC Thanks You:
    • Team Lead(s): position open
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • To write hand written thank you notes to groups, organizations, businesses, churches, organizations, etc, that support JMC through drives, partnerships, sponsorships, donations, etc.
    • How you can help:
      • Volunteer to be the JMC Thanks You Team Lead. 
        • The various JMC Teams would email you who they need thanked and for what, along with address, etc.
        • You would organize the MurpheyVols that are a part of the JMC Thanks You Teams to handwrite a thank you note and send out.
      • Volunteer to be one of the MurpheyVols that handwrites the thank you cards and sends them out (stationary and postage provided)
      • Please contact for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Thanks You Team.

  •  JMC Donation Boxes:
    • Team Lead(s): position open
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • To deliver donation boxes and marketing materials to the businesses, organizations, individuals that other JMC teams organize. (JMC Team will email you with the name, address, and details of drive the organization is conducting. You/your team drop off appropriate number of boxes and coordinating marketing materials for organization to conduct a drive.)
      • Marketing materials and boxes do not have to be kept in your home. They are in JMC storage across from S&D Coffee in Concord.
    • How you can help:
      • Volunteer to be the team lead.
      • Volunteer to drop off marketing materials and donation boxes at times and days that work for you.
      • Ask friends to join you in this.
      • Please contact for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Donation Boxes Team.

  • JMC Community Events:
    • Team Lead(s): position open
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • To find local events (like vendor events, church festivals, falls festivals) that JMC may set up a table at to create awareness and receive donations. (About 4-6 events)
      • To create awareness of JMC through participation in community events.
      • Sign JMC up to participate in local event.
      • Plan and organize marketing materials needed to be at event.
      • Plan and organize to be at event to lead OR arrange another Team Lead or member of the Leadership Team to be present to help be there the day of the community event.
      • Organize other MurpheyVols to be present at the community event.
    • How you can help:
      • Volunteer to be the JMC Community Events team lead. 
      • Find community events that JMC would be well-served to be a part of.
      • Please contact for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Community Events Team.

  • JMC Transportation Team:
    • Team Lead(s): Keith Koldsbaek
    • Contact:
    • Functions:
      • To arrange pick up of all items for JMC work week: food drives, toy drives, purchased groceries, grocery carts, items from JMC storage, donated milk, bread- donated & purchased, etc.
      • Communicate with Various Team Leads for items that need picked up.
      • Secure transportation for picking up items: large truck rented/donated, individual volunteers with vehicle/trailer able to pick up various items, etc.
      • Communicate with Team Leads date, time, and details of pick up so Team Leads may communicate with respective people/businesses we are picking up goods from.
    • How you can help:
      • Volunteer your time to use your vehicle/trailer to pick up items at respective locations as designated by Keith.
      • Assist in securing donation of a large truck for use 12/17/19-12/21/19.
      • Donate to assist in covering expense of renting large truck.
      • Please contact Keith for additional ideas and ways to support the JMC Transportation Team. 

If you can believe it, there are EVEN MORE ways to get involved. We hope this "directory" assists you in finding a way to bring your talents, time, and generosity to Jimmy Murphey's Christmas. We pride ourselves on making The JMC Experience one like NO OTHER for all people involved: guests, MurpheyVols, and all those that support JMC.

If you have any questions, please direct those to Jenny Weems at 

Keep an eye out for information to stay up on all things JMC:

  • This blog.
  • Our social media outlets:
    • Facebook:
    • Instagram:
    • Twitter:
  • Our JMC Newsletter: [NOTE: This is the link to the newsletter sharing Jimmy's passing, photos, and videos.]

Thank you, again, for being a part of something truly GREAT in our community. We appreciate you.

Gratefully yours,
Jenny Weems
JMC Logistical Lead and MurpheyVol

Click HERE to see the schedule 

for JMC work week 2019.


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